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ICU Equipment

For the extensive care and treatment of a patient, ICU Equipment’s helps. It monitors and is helpful for the treatment to let the patient fight with illness. It includes the fundamental instruments to specialized devices and machines.

Anesthesia Machine

The Anesthesia machine makes a good performance in Intensive Care Units (ICU), Operation room, Anesthesiology Department and other departments. Professional design for adult, child and infant inhalation anesthesia and respiratory management, with advanced ventilation modes

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ICU Ventilator

The ventilator is suitable for various kinds of medical institutions for cardiopulmonary resuscitation respiratory support. Acute respiratory failure caused by various reasons or incomplete oxygenation dysfunction. 

Fetal Monitor

Electronic fetal heart monitoring is done during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. It keeps track of the heart rate of fetus. It also checks the duration of the contractions of the uterus.